Most things are seen in their current way because someone
once defined how they should be looked at. The majority of people don’t think
further whether they really feel that these things are worth what the status
quo dictates. What makes a Van Gogh or Da Vinci so much more expensive than a
perfect replica or a beautiful painting from an unknown artist? It’s
perception. And it costs us a lot. People want to be seen with expensive
purses, clothes, and shoes; they want to drive in expensive cars, and live in
“upscale” neighborhoods, not necessarily because they are better, but because they are perceived to be. It takes courage to realize that, and even more
courage to contemplate on it and draw your own conclusions.
Very few people
dare to be bold enough to swim against the current, because that would mean
that they are “different”, and “different” is a vulnerable spot to be in. Being
different affects our sense of belonging, and if you remember, “sense of
belonging” has a prominent place in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs! People want to
be accepted by their surroundings, and being different means rising above that
urge and facing your own values. Mama Cass sings about the difficulty of being
different in the title song of an odd, old children’s movie named
“Different is hard,
different is lonely
Different means trouble
for you only
Different is
heartache, different is pain
But I’d rather be
different than be the same…”
Creating your own reality does not mean that you can change
all the things that happen to you. You may not be able to change those, but you
can always change your perception, hence, your attitude. Sitting back and
allowing yourself to be overrun by the status quo, or paralyzed by bad news or
setbacks is not going to get you far.